
From Icona Pop to Dua Lipa, here’s 8 ladies that are soundtracking our summer.

Summer has arrived, and that means plenty of excuses to not only play music, but to discover music. This season lends itself perfectly to making party playlists, turning on a stereo at the beach, or just tuning your friends into the next great hits in your car. Everyone is always so worried about the song of the summer, and while the “official” track chosen is always a track that makes it to the top of the charts and that you’re probably sick of by the time autumn comes around, that doesn’t mean you can’t pick your own song (or songs) of the summer.

This time around, women are set to run the show and beat the heat, and if you're looking for some of the most exciting new names and their future smashes, here are eight you can start with.


Chelsea Lankes - “Home”

If this doesn't help Chelsea Lankes break into the mainstream and become a true pop star, there’s no hope for anyone out there. Chelsea has been quietly building up her name in the underground pop world, and with her new EP, it’s time for her to shine. All four tracks featured on her self-titled studio effort are worth many repeat listens, but new single “Home” stands out as the best of the bunch. It’s familiar but interesting, and it sounds like it was produced and mastered specifically to be radio’s song of the summer.


KOLAJ - “100 Degrees (ft. Quinn XCII)”

Male/female duo KOLAJ have only released a handful of songs, but so far they haven't made a single misstep. I initially fell in love with their song “The Touch,” and was wondering if they’d be able to top it. About half the way through “100 Degrees,” I realized that they had, and that they were one of the most exciting acts to watch these days. The song is dance-y, rock and roll, and everything I was hoping would come along that I could blast all summer long.


Dua Lipa - “Hotter Than Hell”

Dua Lipa is essentially nothing but star quality, and she has already started picking up a following in other parts of the world, but yet again, the US lags a bit behind everyone else when it comes to trying new pop acts. After a string of mostly viral hits (“Be The One” was especially successful), she released the monster that is “Hotter Than Hell,” and once you’ve heard it, you’ll never be the same. The vocal hook in the chorus is everything, as is the engines-revved power behind the production. 


Icona Pop - “Someone Who Can Dance”

It’s probably been a minute since you’ve heard from Icona Pop, and this summer might be just the time to rediscover how much fun they can be. The female pairing consistently makes some of the best dance-pop out there, and with their latest, it’s clear they don’t intend to quit anytime soon. “Someone Who Can Dance” is sassy and sexy, and an unbelievable earworm. These two women might never top their global smash “I Love It,” but as long as they keep making tracks like this, I’ll keep dancing.


MUNA - “Loudpseaker”

MUNA are sort of the new HAIM, as if we didn’t still love them. Three women rocking out, making a completely unique, yet somehow comfortingly familiar brand of pop-rock will never not be needed, so there is definitely room for both of them. I personally love “Loudspeaker” the most, because, well, I love loud music, and this gives it to me. Give this is a go to hear what they’re all about, and then play “Winterbreak.” We need some more girl bands out there anyways, so it’s a good thing these women are so talented. 


Kiiara - “Gold”

Kiiara’s first big hit “Gold” is almost too cool for summer...or anyone other than the singer herself, for that matter. It’s sultry, easy, glitchy, and so low key, which makes sense, since it’s taken from her debut EP low kii savage. I promise you two things about “Gold”: you’ll be snapping along before you’re done with the first full listen, and you won’t have a clue what she says in the chorus (but you’ll try and sing along anyways).


Maren Morris - “80’s Mercedes”

If you love country music, this song is for you, and if you hate country music...this song is probably still for you. The instantly relatable “80’s Mercedes” is a very healthy blend of country and pop, and she’s mixed them perfectly to ensure this will be a breakthrough hit for the newcomer. Maren Morris just released her debut album, and while its lead single “My Church” is also very much worth your time, this second cut is much more appropriate for summer nights driving around.


Dagny - “Backbeat”

This one caught my ear from the second it began, and I remember that first vocal bit, and then the piano jumping in. It’s a memorable, rocking tune, and you can tell from listening to just this one song that newcomer Dagny is going to be kicking ass for some time to come. It’s a rock and roll song, but it has radio-ready pop sensibilities, and it’s catchy as hell. I’m waiting with bated breath to hear what this exciting new talent has coming next. Don’t keep me waiting Dagny!

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