
Because sometimes love stinks.

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, which means you can’t so much as buy a carton of milk without being bombarded by cheesy paper hearts and crappy love songs. Every restaurant is booked and every movie seat filled and all you can think to do is hide under the covers until the morning comes. But instead of giving up on Cupid’s birthday, get in on the fun with your own anti-Valentine’s day playlist—one that is so badass it actually rips the petals off all those overpriced roses. So pull your head out from under your pillow and put on those headphones or, better yet, turn your speaker way up and rock out to 10 great bitter, angry, sappy and ultimately empowering anti-love songs.


“These Boots are Made for Walking” — Nancy Sinatra

What better way to kick off your anti-Valentine’s playlist than with a pop track about walking away from a two-timer while wearing a fabulous pair of shoes? Written by producer Lee Hazlewood and released in 1966, this song carries a timeless message (even if we can’t say the same for Nancy’s retro poof hair-do and go-go girl dance moves.) Make sure to keep your ear out for this little verse, “You keep playing where you shouldn’t be playing, And you keep thinking that you’ll never get burned, well, I’ve just found me a brand new box of matches, and what he knows you ain’t had time to learn.” Way to zing ‘em, Nance.


“You Oughta Know” — Alanis Morissette

Arguably the best Alanis song to yell while cleaning your apartment, this track off of the singer’s epic album Jagged Little Pill is also the perfect addition to your Valentine’s Day Hater playlist. Rumors have long swirled that “You Oughta Know” is about Full House star Dave Coulier, but regardless of that strange coupling image, the song blasts through any of your February 14 blues with a healthy dose of resentment, anger and general disdain. By the end of the song, you’ll be wondering why they don’t make an anti-Valentine’s Day card that reads, “And every time I scratch my nails down someone else’s back I hope you feel it.” Etsy project for next year...


“Single Ladies” — Beyoncé

A song dedicated to every idiot who missed his/her opportunity to be with you. “If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it.” And how! Not only is this track great to sing to, it is great to run, dance and cook to. All hail Queen Bey, encouraging you to feel energized and empowered on this anti-Valentine’s Day. Maybe you want to learn the “Single Ladies” dance with two friends willing to wear black leotards. Maybe you want to request the song while out at a bar. Maybe you just want to wear a silver metal half-glove and wave it around. Whatever you do, just blast this tune and remember, “Don’t need no permission.”


“I Hate Myself for Loving You” — Joan Jett and the Blackhearts

That ex you can’t get over? The one that will text you to come over late at night while drunk and you just can’t say no even when you know it is bad for you? Well tonight just screw them. (Figuratively, not literally.) Turn away from your weakest ways and give yourself a dose of punk rock therapy by belting out some self-loathing alongside this 1988 Joan Jett classic. “I hate myself for loving you, Can’t break free from the things that you do, I wanna walk but I run back to you that’s why I hate myself for loving you,” you can yell while leading an above-the-head clap session with your friends. Leave the phone at home and remember that your ex was really kind of a pain in the ass when you dated anyway.


“Talk Show Host” — Radiohead

Radiohead sooths all savage beasts—even the emotional ones we tackle on anti-Valentine’s Day—so there is no chance that adding this track to your list is a bad call. This version of “Talk Show Host” is remixed by Nellee Hooper and appeared in the 1996 film Romeo + Juliet, so it already has heartbreak packed right in! Aside from the dreamy beat and Thom Yorke’s mind-melting voice, you also have an amazing progression from hopelessness to empowerment. The song begins with, “I want to, I want to be someone else or I’ll explode, Floating upon this surface for the birds.” And ends with, “You want me? Fucking come on and break the door down, I’m ready.” Come at me February 14. I’m ready.


“I Love It” — Icona Pop

This song may have been played into the ground in 2012 but I don’t care, I love it. (See what I did there?) Never before has pushing someone’s bag down the stairs sounded so enticing, not to mention crashing your car into a bridge. “I Love It” is a never fail picker-upper and the perfect addition to your Down with Love playlist. The catchy electro-pop beat allows for the perfect amount of jumping around with your friends or dog or on your own, and the message rings out loud and clear—it doesn’t matter, have fun and enjoy yourself.


“Satisfaction” — The Rolling Stones

Sure this Rolling Stones song is bigger than Valentine’s Day, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t fit in on your anti playlist. There is nothing like humming along with the lyrics “I can’t get no satisfaction, ‘cause I try and I try and I try and I try” while watching couples try to find something to talk about while waiting for a movie to start. Released as a single in the United States in 1965, “Satisfaction” has always been an anthem for those refusing to go quietly without a fight, just like you and your refusal to get suckered into any prix fixe dinner reservations.


“Before He Cheats” — Carrie Underwood

Not a fan of pop-country songs? Doesn’t really matter, because Underwood’s scorned lover anger transcends all genres. “Before He Cheats” is the ideal empowering ‘destroy the unfaithful partner’ track, incorporating just the right amount of illegal destruction without straight up killing the jerk. Belt this one out while imagining yourself as the whiskey-swilling heroine, carrying a baseball bat to smash in the windows of a less deserving man’s car. What’s more anti-Valentine’s day than that?  


“Love Hurts” — Nazareth

Your anti-Valentine’s Day playlist would not be complete without a sappy rock song that reminds you just how much love can physically destroy you. First recorded by The Everley Brothers and covered by a number of other artists, this rock version was released by Nazareth in 1975 and there is just something about it. The song itself is a sob story for the ages, appealing to all those who have been hurt and scarred, but you add Dan McCafferty’s vocals and those backup “oohs” and presto, cheesy goodness. “Love Hurts” is also a great karaoke song to perform for your friends at the end of the night while waving around a bottle of booze, so bonus points to you if you choose to bookend your night with this little gem.


“Goodbye Earl” — The Dixie Chicks

Talk about an anti-love song that has it all! A tale of domestic violence, murder and strawberry jam all set to a disturbingly upbeat and catchy tune. Bleak? Maybe. But this off-beat track is the perfect way to drown out those Bruno Mars “Marry You” lyrics blasting through the speakers at the wine store (it isn’t a bad song, just not today). Another great thing about this song is the other type of love it highlights—love for your friends. And since Valentine’s Day is all about love, why not make it the friend kind? Chances are you probably have a friend or two who would also poison someone’s dinner if it meant you were safe and happy. If you need a laugh, make sure to check out the music video for this song and do a double take when you realize it stars Jane Krakowski (Jenna from 30 Rock) and Dennis Franz (Detective Sipowicz from NYPD Blue). Watch it through to the end and be treated to Franz joining the final dance number as a zombie Earl.   


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