  • Classic - Random crap Mix Photo
    Space shuttle launch taken from my backyard
  • Classic - Random crap Mix Photo
  • Classic - Random crap Mix Photo
    or even worse they may look like this
  • Classic - Ghost Hunt Pics Mix Photo
    Some crazy mist forming in the leaves and background by St. Augustine Lighthouse
  • Classic - Random crap Mix Photo
    Latest space shuttle launch but it was cloudy
  • Classic - Random crap Mix Photo
    diffrent shuttle lauch taken from my backyard
  • Classic - Random crap Mix Photo
    Sad thing is the person your talking to on myspace may look like this
  • Classic - Ghost Hunt Pics Mix Photo
    There is a orb somewhere in this one
  • Classic - Ghost Hunt Pics Mix Photo
    No ghost action so I made a cigarette smoke ghost appear
  • Classic - Ghost Hunt Pics Mix Photo
    orbs in this picture somewhere
  • Classic - Ghost Hunt Pics Mix Photo
    Rouse Cemetary Dark as hell but There are the crazy lights again
  • Classic - Ghost Hunt Pics Mix Photo
    Rouse Road cemetary, It was pitch black out there so where in the hell did these lights come from WTF?
  • Classic - Ghost Hunt Pics Mix Photo
    St. Augustine Lighthouse at night
  • Classic - Old ass paintball pics Mix Photo
  • Classic - The me Album Mix Photo
    Steven fishing at the Cape

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