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    Raphael de Cock
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    Raphael de Cock and James Mahon
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    James Mahon, Lorcán Mac Mathúna, raphael de Cock. The Frozen North
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    droplets of snow
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    jump down
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    the blues
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    in from the cold
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    One last look at ham, squinting into the blizzard
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    Lorcán Mac Mathúna
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    Raphael De Cock, James Mahon, Lorcán Mac Mathúna in The Heckseketel
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    the town of Ham in the snow. 24 October 2008
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    James Mahon, Lorcán Mac Mathúna, raphael de Cock. more of The Frozen North
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    James Mahon, Lorcán Mac Mathúna, raphael de Cock. Anothe Frozen North
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    the frozen antartic

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