  • Classic - Vacation 2007 Mix Photo
    Preparing for dinner, yes it was cold.
  • Classic - Vacation 2007 Mix Photo
    The American Bald Eagle!!
  • Classic - Vacation 2007 Mix Photo
    The cause of a traffic jam, 30 minutes long.
  • Classic - Vacation 2007 Mix Photo
    Do I look presidential??
  • Classic - Vacation 2007 Mix Photo
  • Classic - Vacation 2007 Mix Photo
    Our truck with snow, a morning in Yellowstone.
  • Classic - Vacation 2007 Mix Photo
    Running buddy. Yes, we were that close!!
  • Classic - Vacation 2007 Mix Photo
    Finding more snow in Yellowstone.
  • Classic - Vacation 2007 Mix Photo
    A geyser.
  • Classic - Vacation 2007 Mix Photo
    Across the lake from where we camped.
  • Classic - More vacation pics Mix Photo
    Coming at you!!!
  • Classic - More vacation pics Mix Photo
    One of my favorite sights.
  • Classic - More vacation pics Mix Photo
    And the winner is....
  • Classic - More vacation pics Mix Photo
    It's cold and snowing, need big fire.
  • Classic - More vacation pics Mix Photo
    The beauty of our parks is beyond words.

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