  • Classic - jason Nov 2007..a new chapter Mix Photo
    starting the process of learning
  • Classic - jason Nov 2007..a new chapter Mix Photo
    keep trying
  • Classic - jason Nov 2007..a new chapter Mix Photo
    learning to rewalk....very difficult process
  • Classic - jason Nov 2007..a new chapter Mix Photo
    its ok, YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Classic - jason Nov 2007..a new chapter Mix Photo
    by george he's got it!
  • Classic - jason Nov 2007..a new chapter Mix Photo
    up close....the knee
  • Classic - jason Nov 2007..a new chapter Mix Photo
    learning to put his leg on...
  • Classic - jason Nov 2007..a new chapter Mix Photo
    push it in there....comon!!
  • Classic - jason Nov 2007..a new chapter Mix Photo
    Jason gets his new leg
  • Classic - Our trip to California!! Mix Photo
    me and my handsome!
  • Classic - Our trip to California!! Mix Photo
    wrights Beach
  • Classic - Our trip to California!! Mix Photo
    Park side cafe Stinson Bch
  • Classic - Our trip to California!! Mix Photo
    Wrights Beach...just cruising up the coast.
  • Classic - jason Nov 2007..a new chapter Mix Photo
    Jason being fitted for his new leg!
  • Classic - jason Nov 2007..a new chapter Mix Photo
    more fitting

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