  • Classic - My Album Mix Photo
  • Classic - My Album Mix Photo
    just a pic of me and my momma :)
  • Classic - My Album Mix Photo
    One of my dogs- Minglu
  • Classic - My Album Mix Photo
    Close up of Jilly
  • Classic - My Album Mix Photo
  • Classic - My Album Mix Photo
    Ming looks interested
  • Classic - ME Mix Photo
    decided to take a picture of myself before going to bed. im surprised my cruddy camera was able to take a picture this good(blurry though)!
  • Classic - ME Mix Photo
    my family and i went to get some *overpriced* pumpkins! thats my sis Rosie right there. is my sweater really purple? i looked like a dork :)
  • Classic - My Album Mix Photo
    More Jilly :P
  • Classic - ME Mix Photo
    My FACE
  • Classic - ME Mix Photo
    Just me and my wacky sister.
  • Classic - ME Mix Photo
    My HAIR is all gone! I'm trying to look good for a job!
  • ProfileMix Mix Photo

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