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    Canada's Dishonor - Sealers cause the Largest Slaughter of Marine Mammals on the Face of the Earth - Shameful
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    Tourists - Visit Canada, Tour Newfoundland, and see this - Disgusting men who do this to make women's fur dresses - Boycott Canadian Tourism
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    Canadian Newfoundland DFO Sealer Killing Whitecoat Baby Seal Pup - STOP THE SEAL HUNT
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    Criminal Canadian Newfoundland Sealer piling tons of skinned seal pelts in a pile during Canada's shame - The Seal Hunt.
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    Help ALL Animals and stop the Seal Hunt in Newfoundland Canada
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    Canadian Seal Hunt DFO Department of the Destruction of Fisheries - Fisheries Minister Gail Shea dishonoring the entire nation of Canada
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    Canada's Shame - Newfoundland PEI Nova Scotia Canadian DFO Seal Hunt Clubbers Clubbing Harp and Grey Seals
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    Seal Hunt DFO Newfoundland Canada Info
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    Seal Hunt DFO Newfoundland Canada Info
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    Seal Hunt Crimes - Documented proof, in court, in print, and caught on videotape, of Canadian Sealers Convicted of Skinning Seals Alive.
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    Canadian Harp Seals - Newfoundland Sealers You killed my child - STOP THE SEAL HUNT
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    Canadian Men come to beat seals to death. A mother seal returns, sniffing the deathbed of carcasses looking for the dead body of her child
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    Canadian Baby Harp Seal Smiling Before Sealers Kill it STOP the Seal Hunt
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    Canadian Baby Harp Seal Sleeping before being killed by Sealers in Canada STOP THE SEAL HUNT

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