  • Classic - art '09 Mix Photo
    oil on canvas....not ready yet
  • Classic - art '09 Mix Photo
    not ready yet but I hope my sweet annie is happy with the outcoming of her beautiful face, it was so hard to do it...later I will put some s
  • Classic - art '09 Mix Photo
    its ready now....for sabi, oil on canvas
  • Classic - art '09 Mix Photo
    oil on canvas....not ready yet
  • Classic - art '09 Mix Photo
    yes....sabi as a disneyfigure....coloring it later
  • Classic - art '09 Mix Photo
    this one is ready now...I think I like it
  • Classic - art '09 Mix Photo
    not ready as you can see
  • Classic - art '09 Mix Photo
    just a drawing
  • Classic - art '09 Mix Photo
    a new freaky time to bring it on canvas
  • Classic - alice in wonderland-the world behind the mirror Mix Photo
    my lonely life
  • Classic - alice in wonderland-the world behind the mirror Mix Photo
    just adore this one....
  • Classic - playing with clouds- photos by 1stmistress Mix Photo
  • Classic - alice in wonderland-the world behind the mirror Mix Photo
    just dying without you
  • Classic - alice in wonderland-the world behind the mirror Mix Photo
    being alone makes her crazy
  • Classic - alice in wonderland-the world behind the mirror Mix Photo
    in her deepest dreams

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