  • Classic - The Beat root Blues Band Mix Photo
    After G. Lawyers gig at NJJBTB
  • Classic - The Beat root Blues Band Mix Photo
    Thousand Petal Lotus Blues
  • Classic - The Beat root Blues Band Mix Photo
    The Beat root Blues Band - Henry Thams - Apr 2007
  • Classic - The Beat root Blues Band Mix Photo
    Claude on drums-world class!
  • Classic - The Beat root Blues Band Mix Photo
    Post sound check - Hentry Tham, Mumbai
  • Classic - The Beat root Blues Band Mix Photo
    Davey Keene - at the Psych tent WOMAD!
  • Classic - The Beat root Blues Band Mix Photo
    Sitting in with Gary Lawyer (NJ Jazz By the Bay, Mumbai)
  • Classic - The Beat root Blues Band Mix Photo
    At Haze Blues Club, New Delhi (The Beat Root Band, Aug '07)
  • ProfileMix Mix Photo

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