  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    "Amscot Commercial" - Extras and Pimp Daddy Zaq
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    "Get Some" - Me and Lil Amazona... and Kooky Joe in the back...
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    "LOTRR" - Okay, so Kirin SOMEtimes gets a "little" silly...
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    "Amscot Commercial" - Aren't we extras just... cuuuute?
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    "Get Some" - Mansion Fighters (minus a few)
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    "P.S." - Jesse Chapman, director
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    "P.S." - Mad skillz... these guys know their schtuff!
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    "Kalia the Huntress" - I'm no vampire hunter... but I play one on TV..
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    Kirin attacks...
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    Kirin and Sushi (Freya's pom-pom wo-wo)
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    "LOTRR"- Blinking Contest at the Fort: Nishanath vs. KiRin
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    "LOTRR" -KiRin's vest... a little toooooo small...
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    "LOTRR" -Perhaps the only photo with me not making a weird face...
  • Classic - Production Photos Mix Photo
    "LOTRR"- Writer Kim Pritekel, Captive Debbie (angel), and Kirin (me)

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