  • Classic - Sedona and Grand Canyon Mix Photo
    Again, a rotation problem - but I thought the "griz" was cute anyway!
  • Classic - Sedona and Grand Canyon Mix Photo
    Look OUT David!!!
  • Classic - Sedona and Grand Canyon Mix Photo
  • Classic - Jennifer and Jason Mix Photo
    Just what EXACTLY is Jennifer drinking????
  • Classic - Jennifer and Jason Mix Photo
    Jason and Jennifer - before he asked for her hand in marriage - she didn't know it yet. AWWWWWWW
  • Classic - Sedona and Grand Canyon Mix Photo
    Montezumas Castle - so weird to be this close to ancient history.
  • Classic - Sedona and Grand Canyon Mix Photo
  • Classic - Sedona and Grand Canyon Mix Photo
    a different view with Mr. "Happy" in the foreground
  • Classic - Sedona and Grand Canyon Mix Photo
    Montezumas Castle in Sedona
  • Classic - Sedona and Grand Canyon Mix Photo
    The daily pilgrimage to the top of Sedona - waiting for the sun to set - truly spectacular
  • Classic - Sedona and Grand Canyon Mix Photo
    Just another view from a high neighborhood. Property prices in the millions
  • Classic - Sedona and Grand Canyon Mix Photo
    Fran after she got mad at Ulrik (calling him a f---er) for moving the car!! Funny
  • Classic - Sedona and Grand Canyon Mix Photo
  • Classic - Jennifer and Jason Mix Photo
    GET SERIOUS, you two!!!!
  • Classic - Jennifer and Jason Mix Photo
    Sweet love. AWWWWWWWWWWWW

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