  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    the direct result of corn rows
  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    haha corn rows ! Thanks jenna
  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    MY family at the Broha's Wedding lol
  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    kinda emo looking though.. boo
  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    haha Chelsea
  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    i guess i'm irish!
  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    shooting something. Almost shot my pants off!
  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    fun stuff. who the hell are the two kids to my right?
  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    These are my ladies
  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    haha I Are Schoolboy!
  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    KILLIN With H4uns AK GRRR
  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    I like this pic
  • Classic - My Shite Mix Photo
    My Ex-baby
  • Classic - Photo's of me from other peoples Mix Photo
    i hate camera's. BTW lil thug looks like a cheetah
  • Classic - Photo's of me from other peoples Mix Photo
    me and mama!!

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