  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    me a wee tipsy
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    me as my character 'Lupe' by David Pijuan Nomura
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    what we call the 'jesus' lift...
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    it's a's a's me in a superman shirt
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    the 'file cabinet' lift
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    a show i was in...i love corsets!
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    me at 3
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    wee little me at ontario place circa 1985
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    being lifted by boys in 'downtown'...another show
  • Classic - random stuff...shows...silliness... Mix Photo
    Science North in good ol' Sudbury
  • Classic - random stuff...shows...silliness... Mix Photo
    Pat Benatar Air guitar

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