  • Classic - Halloween 2007 Mix Photo
  • Classic - Halloween 2007 Mix Photo
    Halloween 2007
  • Classic - Halloween 2007 Mix Photo
    Halloween 2007
  • Classic - Halloween 2007 Mix Photo
    Halloween 2007
  • Classic - Halloween 2007 Mix Photo
    Kayla: "Just call me Dr. Fox"
  • Classic - Mary and Steve's Wedding 2007 Mix Photo
    Madison dancing with her dad
  • Classic - Mary and Steve's Wedding 2007 Mix Photo
    Jason and Mary
  • Classic - Mary and Steve's Wedding 2007 Mix Photo
    Kayla and her daddy
  • Classic - Mary and Steve's Wedding 2007 Mix Photo
    Madison blowing on a pinwheel
  • Classic - Wurmnest x-mas 2007 Mix Photo
    My brother Rich, Shannon, Madison and Grandma Mary
  • Classic - Wurmnest x-mas 2007 Mix Photo
    Aren't they cute
  • Classic - Wurmnest x-mas 2007 Mix Photo
    Kayla keeping an eye on her sister
  • Classic - Wurmnest x-mas 2007 Mix Photo
    My dad and his loot
  • Classic - Wurmnest x-mas 2007 Mix Photo
    Kayla and Madison at my parents
  • Classic - Wurmnest x-mas 2007 Mix Photo
    Jason getting his PS3

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