  • StreamMix Mix Photo
    2022-03-17: Quotes, “I try to be grateful for the abundance of the blessings that I have, for the journey that I'm on and to relish each day as a gift.” - James McGreevey
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    2022-03-16: Quotes, “No one reveals himself as he is; we all wear a mask and play a role.” - Arthur Schopenhauer
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    2022-03-15: Quotes, “To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub.” - William Shakespeare “Hamlet”
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    2022-03-14: Quotes, “Love is like pi - natural, irrational, and very important.” - Lisa Hoffman
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    2022-03-13: Quotes, “There are very few things in the world I hate more than Daylight Savings Time. It is the grand lie of time, the scourge of science, the blight on biological understanding.” - Michelle Franklin
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    2022-03-12: Quotes, “There will always be road construction in life, and never a point when all the highways are fixed. Keep walking.” - R.S. Vern
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    2022-03-11: Quotes, “Time is standing still, but we are running away from it and complaining that time is slipping away from us.” - Debasish Mridha
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    2022-03-10: Quotes, “It's not an optical illusion, it just looks like one.” – Phil White
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    2022-03-09: Quotes, “The only time for blind patriotism is when standing blindfolded before a firing squad.” - Stewart Stafford
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    2022-03-06: Quotes, “There are some things we do because we convince ourselves it would be better for everyone involved. We tell ourselves that it's the right thing to do, the altruistic thing to do. It's far easier than telling ourselves the truth.” - Jodi Picoult
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    2022-03-05: Quotes, “People write negatives things, cause they feel that's what sells. Good news to them, doesn't sell.” - Michael Jackson
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    2022-03-04: Quotes, “We are way less often deceived by looks than we are by the act of looking.” - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
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    2022-03-03: Quotes, “Fashion is anything which is you and reflects your personality, and if you are comfortable with what you are wearing, you'll look trendy and fashionable for sure.” - Yami Gautam
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    2022-03-02: Quotes, “We live in a world where all wars will begin as cyber wars... It's the combination of hacking and massive, well-coordinated disinformation campaigns.” - Jared Cohen
  • StreamMix Mix Photo
    2022-03-01: Quotes, “All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy.” - Scott Alexander

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