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  • hello. happy holiday season. well, let's get right to it.went to the hospital in the middle of night with what turned out to be a urinal track infection. my piss was the color & consistence of tomato juice. too much info, eh ? a couple day later I a cat scan & two ultra sounds. seems I have a moderate hardening of the arteries disease. so no more coffee, red meat & pork & cheese. damn it all. losing wgt. more of a priority than for the good news---I'M NOT DEAD YET. Go Lions ! thank God for sports, I'd have to watch the soaps to get all worked up. woke up today on the living room lounge chair with Dave sitting on the couch next to me eating a big bowl cereal watching Flipper. dozens of channels & he's watching Flipper. go figure. getting a little batshit crazy what with nowhere to go. I have to make a gratitude list every morning. it works every day though. things could be much much worse. thank the powers that be that the abomination is outta there. the devils little helper is gone. that's it. JM

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    remove john william patrick mclean
  • hello. happy holiday season. well, let's get right to it.went to the hospital in the middle of night with what turned out to be a urinal track infection. my piss was the color & consistence of tomato juice. too much info, eh ? a couple day later I a cat scan & two ultra sounds. seems I have a moderate hardening of the arteries disease. so no more coffee, red meat & pork & cheese. damn it all. losing wgt. more of a priority than for the good news---I'M NOT DEAD YET. Go Lions ! thank God for sports, I'd have to watch the soaps to get all worked up. woke up today on the living room lounge chair with Dave sitting on the couch next to me eating a big bowl cereal watching Flipper. dozens of channels & he's watching Flipper. go figure. getting a little batshit crazy what with nowhere to go. I have to make a gratitude list every morning. it works every day though. things could be much much worse. thank the powers that be that the abomination is outta there. the devils little helper is gone. that's it. JM

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    remove john william patrick mclean
  • hello. happy holiday season. well, let's get right to it.went to the hospital in the middle of night with what turned out to be a urinal track infection. my piss was the color & consistence of tomato juice. too much info, eh ? a couple day later I a cat scan & two ultra sounds. seems I have a moderate hardening of the arteries disease. so no more coffee, red meat & pork & cheese. damn it all. losing wgt. more of a priority than for the good news---I'M NOT DEAD YET. Go Lions ! thank God for sports, I'd have to watch the soaps to get all worked up. woke up today on the living room lounge chair with Dave sitting on the couch next to me eating a big bowl cereal watching Flipper. dozens of channels & he's watching Flipper. go figure. getting a little batshit crazy what with nowhere to go. I have to make a gratitude list every morning. it works every day though. things could be much much worse. thank the powers that be that the abomination is outta there. the devils little helper is gone. that's it. JM

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    remove john william patrick mclean
  • hello. happy holiday season. well, let's get right to it.went to the hospital in the middle of night with what turned out to be a urinal track infection. my piss was the color & consistence of tomato juice. too much info, eh ? a couple day later I a cat scan & two ultra sounds. seems I have a moderate hardening of the arteries disease. so no more coffee, red meat & pork & cheese. damn it all. losing wgt. more of a priority than for the good news---I'M NOT DEAD YET. Go Lions ! thank God for sports, I'd have to watch the soaps to get all worked up. woke up today on the living room lounge chair with Dave sitting on the couch next to me eating a big bowl cereal watching Flipper. dozens of channels & he's watching Flipper. go figure. getting a little batshit crazy what with nowhere to go. I have to make a gratitude list every morning. it works every day though. things could be much much worse. thank the powers that be that the abomination is outta there. the devils little helper is gone. that's it. JM

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    remove john william patrick mclean
  • hello. happy holiday season. well, let's get right to it.went to the hospital in the middle of night with what turned out to be a urinal track infection. my piss was the color & consistence of tomato juice. too much info, eh ? a couple day later I a cat scan & two ultra sounds. seems I have a moderate hardening of the arteries disease. so no more coffee, red meat & pork & cheese. damn it all. losing wgt. more of a priority than for the good news---I'M NOT DEAD YET. Go Lions ! thank God for sports, I'd have to watch the soaps to get all worked up. woke up today on the living room lounge chair with Dave sitting on the couch next to me eating a big bowl cereal watching Flipper. dozens of channels & he's watching Flipper. go figure. getting a little batshit crazy what with nowhere to go. I have to make a gratitude list every morning. it works every day though. things could be much much worse. thank the powers that be that the abomination is outta there. the devils little helper is gone. that's it. JM

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    remove john william patrick mclean
  • hey. latest dilemma -- the government folks folks have sent have sent me $2,800 dollars in my account & according to those same folks I can only have $2,000 said account. !? so a spending spree is upon moi. nice problem to have though, eh ? new furniture, a sofa bed & a lounge chair & a dresser, & a bookshelf are on the way soon enough. & believe it or not I'm not getting another guitar. my caseworker just called & she says there may be a way to open another bank account to save some of my $. she's looking into it. a no shower day. gonna try to get together with my high school buddy again soon. great guy. need a mtg. on a regular basis. gotta get out more among my own kind. songs doing well on & bombing big time on MySpace. fun fun. & it is. thank God for sports, can I get an Amen ? that's all folks. take care.

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  • hey. not a lot to report today. same old same old. new guitar a gem of a deal. now to get rid of three or four of the older ones. thrift shop or sell 'em off somehow. well, since I can only have so much $ in my account I have to go on a spending spree. the extra $ came from social security who are the folks who say I have too much $. go figure, eh. chess at Qdoba tonight I've been going a couple times a week & losing too often. gotta study up, these guys are serious. Steveo gave me three Qdoba gift cards good for an entree each. another reason to go. doing laundry even as I type this. multi-tasking at its finest. oh, a leather jacked is something I've always wanted & now I'm on the lookout for a reasonably priced. it's nice having a bit of cash for once after years of not having much. I still eat ramen noodles sometimes though just to keep my hand in. watching EWTN . the Catholic church is kinda like an old girlfriend in that ya don't want to go back but ya kinda like to keep track. see ya, JWPM

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  • hello. felt the need to blog today. listening to Aural Moon net radio. prog rock deluxe with the occasional pop song thrown in for the general hell of it. strange mixture. the big 70 coming up in a week God willing. a milestone for sure. officially an old guy in my mind. actually the mind is OK the body not so much. plenty of room for improvement let's say. recording every day with pretty much decent results. doin' good on & bombing big time on Soundclick. giving out my cds when I can just to get opinions. I'm not out for a career at this late stage. deep deep underground find is most likely all I aspire to. working on acoustic guitar to play at your friendly neighbor hood coffee house is a long standing goal. I've decided to simply play my lead lines etc. improvise stuff like I do. seems to be my forte anyway. the damn bi-polar anxiety still kicks my ass on occasion. the depression shows it's ugly face on a semi- regular basis as well. overall not so bad. keep on truckin. John

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  • hey, long time no blog. everything is OK in trailer park land. thank God for the ac. recording at a record pace lately although I only keep a third of them. it's fun though. quit playing telephone chess with Steveo, he has a tendency to move my pieces to the squares he wants them rather than the squares I tell him. he's obnoxious on top of it. see ya. still I'm getting into chess study more & more, usually in the evening. hopefully the new chess club at St. Johns is still a going concern. I have a computer program that is very strong to play against. & lots of books & mags as well. guitars are like tattoos in the sense that you're thinking of the next one as you're just getting used to the latest greatest purchase. kinda like babies too (eh, Megan ?) following the Facebook page of Fr.John Corapi. very interesting viewpoints for a rebel priest. being a lapsed Catholic myself they hit home. the G.H.Alano club has closed again (virus) & I long for a meeting. texting only satisfies for so long. see ya. J

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  • well, here we are once again. beautiful days around here lately. can't complain. complaining about the weather is a pretty silly to do anyway. doing very well managing my own $ rather than being in the payee system like I was for many years. actually saving more on my own. the dieting isn't going quite as well though. back to square one again. if I can quit smoking I can do the weight loss thing. I really miss sports. looks like the virus is still around, worse than ever they say. & I for one believe it. the quarantine isn't really that much of a challenge being the semi-recluse I am anyway. the Alano club has all the precautions as the rest of society. masks, social distancing, no touching, a limit of 29 per meeting etc. I've yet to go back. next week a 4pm meeting or two is the plan, man. I recently fired my sponsor for a bunch of really stupids text messages. nothing obscene just really fucking inane remarks. out of touch kinda stuff. off the wall questions. I've a guy in mind to replace him. bye. J

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    remove john william patrick mclean

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