  • Classic - the real gang Mix Photo
    this is my friend Aaron... enough said
  • Classic - the real gang Mix Photo
    coolest movie ever!!!! this is where the gang got there names!
  • Classic - the real gang Mix Photo
    Stefnee at prom, and me being weird
  • Classic - the real gang Mix Photo
  • Classic - my baby Mix Photo
    again (my sister just bought a new camera)
  • Classic - my baby Mix Photo
    and again me and my car.......again (My sister needs to get a life)
  • Classic - the real gang Mix Photo
    this is aaron we've been friends forever!!
  • Classic - my baby Mix Photo
    and again..........blast from the past
  • Classic - the real gang Mix Photo
    us fairly normal with a little bit of rock and roll
  • Classic - the real gang Mix Photo
  • Classic - the real gang Mix Photo
    HMMM, stef looks sleepy
  • Classic - the real gang Mix Photo
    PEACE!! me bre and stef the day before the last day of school!
  • Classic - the real gang Mix Photo
    Whoo Bre is so funny!
  • Classic - the real gang Mix Photo
  • Classic - the real gang Mix Photo
    friends help friends up when they are falling off of bleachers!

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