  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
    Michelle and I crackin' up...
  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
    Poor Carmen trying to entertain my lil demon seed...
  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
    Beautiful outfit!!!
  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
    Aidan trying to be like Mommy...
  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
    Lesli and her youngin's
  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
    Nate and Lesli
  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
    Aidan dancing...
  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
    Collette....looking gorgious as usual...
  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
    Grandma Cha and Aidan cleaning up after us hoodlems!!
  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
    chillin...we ate too much!!!
  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
    Eat and
  • Classic - Alivia Mix Photo
    Damn I was worn out...but isn't she sweet...
  • Classic - Alivia Mix Photo
    1st pic...
  • Classic - Baby Shower Mix Photo
    Carmen and Bev attacking Aidan's bad ass!!

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