  • Classic - My Family Mix Photo
    my baby "Charlie Brown"
  • Classic - My Family Mix Photo
    Me and my beautiful sis cristina
  • Classic - My Family Mix Photo
    Cris and Collin
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    Amore mio!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    Murcia Congress 2008...getting ready for another show...
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    let's see, who do we have here...lils, johnny, dianna, adrian, rafa, me, steph, and pablo...
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    Don't you love how i make my boyfriend model for me...hahaha!!!!!!!!!
  • Classic - My Family Mix Photo
    Cristina and my two nephews, Brent and Collin
  • Classic - Gianni and Jennifer Mix Photo
    smile baby...hahahaha!
  • Classic - Gianni and Jennifer Mix Photo
    Sundays with the Italians!
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
  • Classic - Gianni and Jennifer Mix Photo
    Just one look and he's gone :)
  • Classic - My Family Mix Photo
    this face is too cute
  • Classic - Gianni and Jennifer Mix Photo
    Zoo latino
  • Classic - Gianni and Jennifer Mix Photo
    Siamo Patzzi!!!!!!!!!!!

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