  • Classic - Ferrets Mix Photo
    I dropped some paint in it to help give it the feel. :D
  • Classic - Ferrets Mix Photo
    Cinnamon sleeping in the morning
  • Classic - Mutants Mix Photo
    Just trying new things, Burnt looking fun.... ;D
  • Classic - Ferrets Mix Photo
    All American Bad Girl...always naughty, never nice!
  • Classic - Ferrets Mix Photo
    Portrait of Flower, youngest of the group
  • Classic - Ferrets Mix Photo
    Goddess of Plants 05'
  • Classic - Ferrets Mix Photo
    VooDoo Queen, silent yet very dangerous
  • Classic - Mutants Mix Photo
    Photoshop version of Nova
  • Classic - Mutants Mix Photo
    Nova (leader) & Angela (2nd in command) The 2 sane ones ;)
  • Classic - Mutants Mix Photo
    Nova as a teen with Tremor, she feels like an outcast
  • Classic - Mutants Mix Photo
    Nova in Illustrator
  • Classic - Mutants Mix Photo
    Angela Tweaked...
  • Classic - Mutants Mix Photo
    Another Idea for Angela's Piece
  • Classic - Mutants Mix Photo
  • Classic - Ferrets Mix Photo
    Flower in Photoshop, youngest member of 2nd comic book

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