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    Doing Chi Kung and other realms of kung fu....human science of movement and breath control.
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    This is a drawing back from 1998 i think, called black mask. all pencil and sharpie
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    Ha HAAAAA!!! can you feel it!!!!
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    Man Kno Thyself!! nuff said!
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    art work from the mind of Hu - I call it "still waters". do you know or can you guess why???
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    2 sound smugglers wanted for audio criminal acts...B on the LOOKOUT!!!
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    just some "other imagry" of my "off the planet" mind and heart...tell me whatcha think; some say it is ....interesting,
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    soul sister art!! blow your fro out!!
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    Meditating and unplugging from the system....
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    The ascendant of the ANNUNAKI bloodline comes your homie from another planet
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  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    Hu: creative source of Will
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    Peace and Blessings
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    Mind power over complexed matters...Love will conquer all.
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    Soul sister with the future in her arms.

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