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    yawnnnnnnnnn,, ok mom its sleepy time
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    ok im confused, im all dressed so where are you putting that .....
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    i love my aunty crystal
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    awww now thats more like it. heres my blankie
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    i love my mommy... mak at 2 wks old
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    our sweet lil mak at 2 monthsand already hogging the bed
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    ha, ha, i got to steal gramas bed first.
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    mmmm,i love being held
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    yes grama spoils me .... mak at 1 week old
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    frank and niece kadence, so cute
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    ok , i thought it over i guess i can share
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    oh come on grama! its my bed now ,,right?
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    what? they wont be here till thanksgiving,drats.
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    come on , there is plenty of room for all of us on gramas bed
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    ok mak im challangeing you , its my bed now!!

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