  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    Voice getting down
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    Jher451 getting the lines tight...
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    Jolt making it pop with that orange and yellow...
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    Gemz Von quick @ Cherry Crack
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    Some semi-new shit up in boulder...Maybe like 2 months old...I just got the pic off the stupid camera.
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    Crazy Random Sketch...Though It Was Dirt At First.
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    Swek just adding more...
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    The first outline of what is shaping up to be a burner...
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    Jolt adding lil shit here and there...
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    Jolt just starting out...
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    Throwing some color in...
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    Jher451 filling in...
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    Swek shading bubbles...
  • Classic - Graff Flixz Mix Photo
    More color...

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