  • Classic - Oxjam 2006 Mix Photo
    I open the first Oxjam event at Daybrook Baptist Church
  • Classic - Oxjam 2006 Mix Photo
    I close the first Oxjam event at Daybrook Baptist Church...
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    I sing at my sister's wedding, June 24th 2007
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    First gig I ever played, my now brother-in-law on vocals
  • Classic - Oxjam 2007 Mix Photo
    Mark backs me up on bass for Nick Cave's 'Far From Me'
  • Classic - Oxjam 2007 Mix Photo
    Mark joins me on guitar to close the show
  • Classic - Oxjam 2006 Mix Photo
    Mark joins me while I forget the words to 'All Along The Watchtower'
  • Classic - Oxjam 2007 Mix Photo
    My Dad joins me for a few numbers at Oxjam Daybrook 2007

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