  • Classic - Family and friends Mix Photo
    Maarten won a radio contest with this song
  • Classic - Hempress Mix Photo
    Piper in her embroidered indigo dyed dress hemp/silk 2003
  • Classic - Family and friends Mix Photo
    Judith by Klimt
  • Classic - Family and friends Mix Photo
    Sheri and I @The Spiral, early 90's
  • Classic - Family and friends Mix Photo
    Olympia by Manet
  • Classic - Hempress Mix Photo
    Lorelei Shellists' wedding dress hemp/silk &chiffon 1995?
  • Classic - Hempress Mix Photo
    Lillian in her new hemp/silk hippie dress 2003
  • Classic - Hempress Mix Photo
    Indigo dyed peasant dress hemp/silk mid 1990's
  • Classic - Hempress Mix Photo
    Hemp/silk lingerie mid 1990's
  • Classic - Hempress Mix Photo
    Variation on Lorelei's wedding dress hemp/silk mid 1990's
  • Classic - Family and friends Mix Photo
    My sister and Emily.
  • Classic - Family and friends Mix Photo
    Once a bridesmaid.
  • Classic - Family and friends Mix Photo
    Family portrait-with a brother missing, April 1971
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    Benefit for Galaxy Star
  • Classic - Family and friends Mix Photo
    Joan Gregory and Fantuzzi @Woodstock

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