  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    Like I said, we're just special
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    I seeee youuu!!!!(tee hee)
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    uhhh, well, you see, what had happened was
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    I wasn't exactly sure where they were taking the picture
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    me and char char
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    There just aren't the right words to describe just how scarred I am by the image of my grandfather hanging off of a pole, except for AAAHHH!
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    You know it's true!!!!!
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    Me & my daddy
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    There's my fiance. He's a little sideways right now...
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    well...we're special what else can I say
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    Me doing my fabulous "Thank you and good night" pose.
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    that's a whole lotta fabulous in one picture, yeah, you know it's true.
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo

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