  • Classic - St Patrick's Day 2008 Mix Photo
    "Fun in the Fountain"
  • Classic - St Patrick's Day 2008 Mix Photo
    Heavy Traffic
  • Classic - St Patrick's Day 2008 Mix Photo
    "Fun in the Fountain 2"
  • Classic - The Phoenix Park Mix Photo
    Archbishop of Dublin and Lord Mayor can be seen in this photo.
  • Classic - The Phoenix Park Mix Photo
    Gathering for "The Way of The Cross" on Good Friday
  • Classic - St Patrick's Day 2008 Mix Photo
    Leprechaun Bikers
  • Classic - St Patrick's Day 2008 Mix Photo
    "Elvis Lives"
  • Classic - St Patrick's Day 2008 Mix Photo
  • Classic - St Patrick's Day 2008 Mix Photo
  • Classic - St Patrick's Day 2008 Mix Photo
    "It's all green on Saint Patrick's day"
  • Classic - St Patrick's Day 2008 Mix Photo
  • Classic - The Phoenix Park Mix Photo
    the Papal Cross
  • Classic - The Phoenix Park Mix Photo
    View from the Papal Cross
  • Classic - The Phoenix Park Mix Photo
    The Phoenix Park Deer
  • Classic - The Phoenix Park Mix Photo
    The American Ambassador's Residence

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