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    Buddhist Faith Fellowship Sunday morning gathering at the Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Study
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    Flower Festival 2008: this is the baby buddha surrounded by flpwer offerings
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    Meditation Hiking in New England forests
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    Meditation training at the Buddhist Faith Fellowship on Sunday mornings atarting at 10 a.m.
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    BFF Friends
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    BFF has field trips and pilgrimages with camping as an option.
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    Buddhist Faith Fellowship's friends and guest come from all areas of Connecticut.
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    Quiet Sitting Meditation and Chanting
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    We are a rapidly growing congregation
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    We used to gather at Memorial Chapel, Wesleyan University from 2003 - 2007
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    We offer many social events
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    Walking Meditation
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    We offer field trips and pilgrimages
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    Our Communty Picnic
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    BFF field trips to Zen Mountain Monastery and other NY State Buddhist monasteries

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