  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
    Me and my little cousin Camaron
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
    The famous Christmas tree picture
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
    Trying to get a kiss
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
    Me with Jen and Andy's puppy, Pepe Le Pu
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
    Me with my cousins and my brother
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
    Zues is in the Christmas spirit
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
    My last Christmas party for work
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
    I saw mommy kissing Santa Clause...
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
    Can you believe I got Roger to play Santa haha
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
    Me and Zeus
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
    Roger says whats up???
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
  • Classic - Christmas Break 2007 Mix Photo
    Isn't he the cutest!!

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