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    William. Jesus, formerly known as Lesley Jane. However have you been, Mate? I'm okay, still carrying out God's Holy Mission, Music. You know where and what I am now yes? [|] 61 years older than rocks this Friday.Wow it's this week, already. The 25th. I was almost feeling sad about Henry The Eighth He Is abandoning his Royalty. But I suppose that was, pretty difficult for him to do, and yet, he had to do it. So I can respect his need to be himself no matter what. Well that's about that for now,just released my 79th album,have to sort out the 80th.God Bless, Much Love, To You All,~Jesus Oldman
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    I auditioned for America's Got Talent yesterday. Here's a photo of me and my mom in front of the place. ~L
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    American Lesley Jane LOVES Burger King
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    A New Photo of Lesley during the recording of You Don't Love Me Anymore.
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  • CoverMix Mix Photo
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    I decided to redo it. I like this better, so the other one's officially an outtake album cover. This will be the cover. I like this.
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    me and the girls say hi.
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