  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
    Thumbs up by the shit truck bitches
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
    Don't ask Don't tell alright
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
    The only thing that would make this picture cooler is leather jackets.
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
    Yes, my gear is heavy. Yes, it was hot. Yes my ass was sweating.
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
    yep they have Dr. Pepper in Iraq
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
    Me, Jeffery, and Mich (we make up names for them)
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
    Just the three coolest guys ever... and the shocker
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
    Me and the turdbird napping on the trailer
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
    yep thats me on top of my truck during a little sand storm
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
    Well, thats dumb
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
    Only the 2 sexiest dudes EVER!
  • Classic - Iraq Mix Photo
    See, It actually looks like I do work out here.

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