  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    Madi (goob) and I.... "ITS THE FUCKING BLUE SHIRTED EYE STABBER!!!!!" i love you goob!!
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    Me and Brett chilling...well not chilling because it was a HOT Dani..'s house.. :D
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    (gangstars) you see we were playing rock paper scissors but then i pulled out a glock and won.. thats his losing face.. thats my glock.
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    Sorry Mrs. Filer...oh and in case you were wondering, we decided to name him Rupert.
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    me and Ellen at h.c.
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    Dani, Gage, Brett, Nelson, Extinguisher (sp?), and me just chilling.. [my BFFFFFFFFs]
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    sorry kelsey i had to, u might start thinking we are BFFs or something
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    ohmygosh.... haha kyle looks like a chimpanzee
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    Gage, me, Charles (not a sophomore), and Brett... those were the only things he was wearing... :D
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    Riley, Abigail, and Emily.
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    is there anything more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking??
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    this is what best friends look like in their best spirit wear.
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    One word: SoFuckingFlyWeBlowYourMind!!
  • Classic - Sophomores Mix Photo
    Me and Brett...(obviously sober)

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