  • Classic - artwork Mix Photo
    Without knowledge of gods and kings our hands turn to flowers...
  • Classic - artwork Mix Photo
    Lucifer Sun of the Morning
  • Classic - artwork Mix Photo
    A Prayer to the Apocolypse
  • Classic - artwork Mix Photo
  • Classic - artwork Mix Photo
    Walk Towards the Sun acrylic, ink + collage 20" x 20" 2008
  • Classic - me Mix Photo
  • Classic - artwork Mix Photo
    Many Things in the Disguise of One
  • Classic - artwork Mix Photo
    The Great Bear Dances (sorry so blurry!)
  • Classic - me Mix Photo
  • Classic - me Mix Photo
  • Classic - me Mix Photo
  • Classic - me Mix Photo
  • Classic - artwork Mix Photo
    Kingdom in Ruin
  • Classic - artwork Mix Photo
    Kingdoms will Fall
  • Classic - artwork Mix Photo
    Christian Song of the Damned

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