  • Classic - ....ME.... Mix Photo
    My hottness!!
  • Classic - ....ME.... Mix Photo
    A little tipsy!!
  • Classic - ....ME.... Mix Photo
    ewww crystal u put this up here even though i have grandma knees geeeee...
  • Classic - ....ME.... Mix Photo
    Can I get anymore BLONDE?!?!
  • Classic - ....ME.... Mix Photo
  • Classic - ....ME.... Mix Photo
  • Classic - ....ME.... Mix Photo
    how you doin?????
  • Classic - Me & Madi Mix Photo
    at crystals mans parents pool
  • Classic - Me & Madi Mix Photo
    looks sooo bothered
  • Classic - Me & Madi Mix Photo
    feathered bangs??
  • Classic - Me & Madi Mix Photo
    ma and madi
  • Classic - ....ME.... Mix Photo
    AWW look they cut off all my hair... LOL
  • Classic - ....ME.... Mix Photo
    Billboard Music Awards 2005
  • Classic - Me & Madi Mix Photo
    always posing!!
  • Classic - ....ME.... Mix Photo
    Snake slithering up my leg...

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