  • We are Happy to announce Diegodiego's special appearance on the big screen!!!

    ONLY 13 DAYS LEFT!!! - Everyone get ready for the screening of the film ”The Chemist." The film will premiere at the AOF in Los Angeles, now is the time! Log in to and buy your tickets!
    Friday, September 25 at 7pm!There ‘s time but tickets are flying fast!!! See the impressive performances of Martin Kove, Richard Grieco, Sasha Mitchell, Patrick Kilpatrick, the beautiful and very talented Stéphanie Gérard and the special participation of our beloved Diegodiego. The doors of acting in film in Hollywood opened up for this group of artists and you, the public is who have led them to conquer the American market. A super Al Bravo Studios production. Written and directed by Art Camacho.

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