  • Classic - X-Fest 2007 Mix Photo
    Hurt again
  • Classic - X-Fest 2007 Mix Photo
    can you tell I like Hurt
  • Classic - X-Fest 2007 Mix Photo
    Love this picture
  • Classic - X-Fest 2007 Mix Photo
    Hurt again
  • Classic - X-Fest 2007 Mix Photo
    J. rocking
  • Classic - X-Fest 2007 Mix Photo
    still Hurt
  • Classic - Baby Vincent Kinzel Mix Photo
  • Classic - Baby Vincent Kinzel Mix Photo
    Baby Vincent is an 8 month old Spurred Thigh Tortoise. He will live approx. 70+ years, and get 150+ lbs. He fits in the palm of my hand.
  • Classic - Spring 2008 Mix Photo
  • Classic - X-Fest 2007 Mix Photo
    the drum set of Hurt
  • Classic - X-Fest 2007 Mix Photo
    Billy of Smashing Pumpkins
  • Classic - X-Fest 2007 Mix Photo
    The Smashing Pumpkins
  • Classic - X-Fest 2007 Mix Photo
    more Hurt
  • Classic - X-Fest 2007 Mix Photo
  • Classic - X-Fest 2007 Mix Photo
    J. from Hurt and myself

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