Private Mix
Classic - My Photos
Yianni Agisilaou
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/21/2014 5:56:31 PM
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      It all ends in tears...
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      At anti-war march before Gulf War 2
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Spinning the wheels of steel. The track is Hybrid
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      I win! But wearing orange...ugh!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Me and Mum (or Mom for you Americans)
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Artsy Fartsy Headshot
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Reading Festival. Possibly the most rock and roll moment of my life!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Hotel in Bahrain...very "Lost in Translation"
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      This ends in tears...
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      You think you can get away with not shaving under your neck...
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      It's not a couch. I'm hovering in front of a Polish flag.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Comedy Debate 2007 - Athaneum Theatre
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      If you eat enough lead, I look like this...
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo

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