Private Mix
Classic - mom and her dolls
Dolores Bohne
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/24/2014 7:46:13 PM
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
      This is my Mom and a nice pic of her.
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
      Mom has her eyes closed in this one lol.
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
      Mom was talking to me in this pic lol.
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
      Awwwww Mom looks happy there lol.
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
      Mom is taking a cat nap here lol
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
      Just a couple of moms dolls
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
      And more of Moms dolls she has all kind of them.
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
      This is just to cute lol.
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
      Just a couple more dolls .
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
    • Classic - mom and her dolls Mix Photo
      There are more then you think .

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