Private Mix
Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel
angel alcorn
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 1/14/2014 6:52:33 PM
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      We visited a wolf sanctuary... they really like dog cookies
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      I'm holding a really big rock. Impressive?
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      Hey, look. It's that thing.
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      Rain in Arizona. We watched it rain all day but it never rained on us.
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      Buffalo Bill is a Ladies Man.
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      We snuck onto the Buffalo Bill ranch, took pictures, and ran away.
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      I'm firing a canon!
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      Lessons on the Grand Canyon: 1. It is very hot. 2. Don't wear your glasses. Every time you look down they try to fall off.
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      The clouds cast shadows on the canyon.
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      Colorado... The prettiest state, IMO
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      Driving through Colorado. We also went whitewater rafting here, but I don't have those pics yet.
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      Later we read a book about how many people die in the Grand Canyon every year posing for stupid pictures, haha.
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      A street in Denver.
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo
      You really can't grasp it from the pictures. I know everyone says that, but I could barely grasp it seeing it in person.
    • Classic - Grand Canyon Road Trip with Angel Mix Photo

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