Private Mix
Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions
Super Satellite
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/20/2014 12:59:59 PM
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      In the control room with Geoff and Adam...
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      Creepily yearning gorilla pillow... DO NOT look directly into it's eyes!!!!
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      Meow MutherF@#*%!
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      Christian laying down scratch vocals and bass...
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      Tim lounging around with a sweet 1940's Gibson.
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      Must... get... some... sleep...
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      Christian and Daniel. Side by side. Mano y mano.
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      Working through the arrangements with Producer/Engineer/All-around-badass Geoff Sanoff.
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      I vaaant to drink your coffee.
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      Geoff pilots the Starship Enterprise to a safe landing while Tim mans the photon beam.
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      Due to ongoing legal proceedings, we can only show you the right side of Daniel's face. But the left side is equally awesome.
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      Racoon pillow. An idea who's time has come. And gone.
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      Christian on the bass. Note the duct tape and silly putty holding the strap on. We keep it real son.
    • Classic - Stratosphere Recording Sessions Mix Photo
      Daniel whoopin' on some hi-hats... the rest of the dope vintage Ludwig kit-pieces have stood up to him and no longer get hit.

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