Private Mix
Classic - My Photos
Steve Guttenberg
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/23/2014 11:33:17 AM
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Me and my boys.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Me on duty.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Back during my Pauly Shore days. Hey we've all been there.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      SENIOR YEAR!!! Back when i was crushin' ass!!!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Ron Howard said "Think. . .yellow".
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Openind day for the sharks. Totally crushin' ass after the game.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      They don't call me "the goot" for nothing.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo

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