SomewhereBeyond (Oslo, Norway) was founded back in early 2007 by Rune Arnesen and duringthe spring months of that year, the first complete line-up was assembled.
However, just as for many bands before, maintaining a solid and regular line-upover some time proved to be somewhat …challenging.This didn’tkeep the band from recording its first demo at Future Records Studio in 2009.But still without a complete line-up, the demo was just accessible through theband Myspace page ( Still- even with growl vocals,this demo showed an obvious musical direction in which Somewhere Beyond washeading: A clear focus on strong riffs, melody and harmonies as well as a heavysound with well-crafted compositions and variation. Since Somewhere Beyond ismusically driven and not focusing at any particular genre affiliation at all, noreal attempt has been made to put a tag on the band.

That beingsaid, there are the obvious elements from traditional hard rock, thrash, doom,some extreme and progressive elements and a large portion of heavy metal. Notbeing a typical “any of the above” band, this is what makes up the sound ofSomewhere Beyond.

In 2012,Somewhere Beyond recorded Demo #2. This time as a DIY-project: Raw, unpolishedand honest. After trying out a variation of singers and different styles,clean, traditional heavy metal vocals proved to be the vocal contribution theband had been looking for to complete the musical expression in mind. So evenif the band was left without a singer shortly after the demo sessions, the ideaof this particular vocal style would linger.

During thewinter of 2012/2013 the band met up with Chilean multi talent singer and songwriter Francis Lecquian who quickly joined the ranks of Somewhere Beyond. Hisdedication and vocal span immediately put the final piece into the musicalpuzzle that is Somewhere Beyond.

After allthese years, Somewhere Beyond is now finally ready and (more than just) eagerto leave the confined world of the rehearsal room and to present their musicfrom a stage somewhere. It’s beyond due time!

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