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Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером
Sofia Metal Queen
my art, fancy bead embroidery
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      New beadwork art is in progress. Yin Yang monada. Beadwork art about Eastern philosophy.
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      Blue butterfly bead embroidery mix with sequins & thinestone mosaic. Front-cover of my new video
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      Blue butterfly. Beadwork art, bead embroidery with sequins & rhinestones. Вышивка бисерм стразами бусами. Синяя бабочка
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      Blue butterfly - new beadwork / bead embroidery pic in process вышивка бисером бусами стразами - синя бабочка -процесс уже 75%
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      White peacock. Beadwork (Bead embroidery). My art 2015. Handwork, mixed styles of beadwork, also have been made using swarovski crystals, rhinestones, rhinestone lines, sequins, crystal beads.
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      My crown with swarovski crystals, and materials to make similar one
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      bead embroidery on black dress. my handcraft / bead art
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      me with cool gifts from friends: beaded & vintage photo frames & patriotic bead embroidery - USA flag pics.
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      Me with cool gift from my grandma: cross-stitch embroidery Star of David
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      Photo from my video about bead art & different kinda beads that I use for handcrafted jewelry - Ameynra Fashion by Sofia Metal Queen
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      A sparkling beauty - happy life of beadwork artist / fashion designer Sofia Metal Queen. OK, this pic is a front-cover of one of my youtube videos about bead art
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      From my Judaica art series. Beadwork (bead embroidery) - a text of a pray to find a right way to live... Approximate translation: "Dear Creator of the Universe, please show me the right way, teach me to see what is right & what is wrong, what to do & what to not do. And help me to keep going right way. Thank you." - I'm glad to have this artwork completed on a day of Rosh Hashanah 5775.
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      American Cocker Spaniel beadwork art by Sofia Metal Queen / Вышивка бисером и сваровски. Американский коккер спаниель
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      me and my Emerald Peacock beadwork art - bead embroidery
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      Best beadwork bead embroidery Emerald Peacock
    • Beadwork Art Вышивка бисером Mix Photo
      Fuschia orchid - beadwork / bead embroidery mix with satin stitch. New artwork, 1st in 2014. Вышивка бисером. Шедевр

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