  • Classic - With Hamilton Loomis Mix Photo
    Ham and Me dueling in "VooDoo Doll" 8-16-08
  • Classic - With Hamilton Loomis Mix Photo
    Mucky Duck... Apparently I was playin a note Ham didn't like lol...
  • Classic - With Hamilton Loomis Mix Photo
    Hidden Talent Texas City, TX 8-16-08
  • Classic - With Hamilton Loomis Mix Photo
    Slide Guitar with a sax?!?! 8-16-08
  • Classic - With Hamilton Loomis Mix Photo
    Then I fixed it... lol....
  • Classic - With Hamilton Loomis Mix Photo
    Dillon, CO... 9,000 feet up! This was the scenery behind the amphitheater we played up there...
  • Classic - With Hamilton Loomis Mix Photo
    Fruita, CO...
  • Classic - With Hamilton Loomis Mix Photo
  • Classic - With Hamilton Loomis Mix Photo
    Mucky Duck 8-10-08
  • Classic - With Mike Zito Mix Photo
    Not the greatest shot but ya know... the dude abides...
  • Classic - With Mike Zito Mix Photo
    Jammin at Deb's Blues Farm! I make interesting faces when I ummm.... blow...
  • Classic - With Mike Zito Mix Photo
    Tom Grainey's in Boise.. I play a mean shaker!
  • Classic - With Mike Zito Mix Photo
    Tom Grainey's same night. Nov. 19th, '07
  • Classic - With Mike Zito Mix Photo
    Another interesting blowing face at the Blues Farm...
  • Classic - With Hamilton Loomis Mix Photo
    Yeah... I don't know what my face was doin here... lol Hotter N' Hell Bike Rally, College Station, TX 8-15-08

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