Private Mix
Classic - new baby chinchilla
SarahLynn Tuszl
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/25/2014 12:51:13 PM
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      Just born
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      Just born
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      Just born
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      ChiChi and her newborn 10/18/09
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      ChiChi and her newborn 10/18/09
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      24 hrs old
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      24 hours old
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      if I don't look at it, it will go away, right?
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      hmmm, another little one?
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      it's getting too close!!!
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      keep going, I'm afraid, but don't want to show it!!!
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      OK, that's enough, make it go away! They like to chew on my nails and you know I don't like that!!!
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      hmmm, alfalfa
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo
      momma and baby in the alfalfa
    • Classic - new baby chinchilla Mix Photo

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