Private Mix
Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008
Robert Black
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/23/2014 8:18:02 AM
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      it was a dual...count to 10, then turn and shoot
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      the "alex" pose
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      master's commision
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      i forgot what they did....
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      but it was great!
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      i like pretty things
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      our guest speaker, some french guy
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      he's french too
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      i have no idea!
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      Aww, me and baby Hawkins
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      sleeping beauties
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      she's going to kill me
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
    • Classic - Fall Youth Convention 2008 Mix Photo
      don't fall asleep..

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