Private Mix
Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa
Rebecca Greiner
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/21/2014 3:10:45 AM
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      Aug 2, '09; day after Shawn deployed. Driving to Hueytown. Something died; scavengers are happy.
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      Had to take kitty. He fell asleep on the center console.
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      WOW! This truck is really dirty.
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      At Grandma's house. Callista is thrilled about the puppies. Here, she holds Cuddles.
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      And here, I hold Tinkerbell.
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      Poor Cuddles wasn't as fast as Tinkerbell. She kept getting caught by the kids and squished with kisses.
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      Callista gives her Grandma a hug.
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      *tickle tickle* on Ian!
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      My stepbrother, Tim's, 3yo, Abigail. I LOVE the "Nyun Nyun" Asian pose on little girls. She's more of a ham than Callista.
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      Stepbro's wife, Candice with their 3 month old son, Evan.
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      Evan Chase - his mama calls him "man sexy."
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      Ian has the puppies again. Tinkerbell on the left, Cuddles on the right.
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      Tinkerbell smells milk on Evan.
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      This one cracks me up. Callista was so excited to see Abigail again.
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      Would you like some cheese with your ham?
    • Classic - Another Trip to Hueytown / Tuscaloosa Mix Photo
      This egg whigged me out. What in gay hell?

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