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Classic - My Photos
Radio Rumpus Room
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 1/15/2014 12:55:15 PM
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      An obsolete GIF from the KFAI website. But we dig it, so it's here.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Ron on the left; Jean on the right. Oh, the irony...
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Slapped this together 10 years ago and it's still on our webpage
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Actually it's "since 1994," but who's counting but us?
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      First Avenue/The Entry back as the old Minneapolis bus station.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      The Awkwards at our June '05 Surf Stomp at the Hexagon Bar.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Flyer for our July 29 RRR HOOTENANNY! at Lee's Liquor Lounge, Mpls
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Twice is nice!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Jean is no stranger at leaving palm prints on trunklids of cruisers
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      The baddest shirt what am...
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Team Radio Rumpus Room: The High & The Mighty!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Our biz card -- art swiped from the old AMT Double Dragster kit
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Jean DJs the All-Ford picnic. Also: Tom Novak, Ron Gerber, Mick Novak
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Cockfight! at the KFAI studios, 2/3/06 with Dextron Tamboure drumkit
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Artist conception of KFAI "Boss Jocks" 1957 BMW Isetta
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Flyer for August 28 Hootenanny at Lee's Liquor Lounge, Mpls

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