Private Mix
Classic - Kings Island 2009
John Griffith
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/22/2014 8:36:31 AM
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
      Son of Beast. Shut down for the day. Damn! lol
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
      Looking toward the Racer.
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
      Drop Zone
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
      Diamondback. I was probably trying to convince my girl to ride it at this point... lol
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
      More Diamondback. Yeah... I was salivating...
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
      Watching the Beast train take off.
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
      Love the signs... 'Ignore the screaming... in the woods....' hehe
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo
      Then I convinced her to ride... Diamondback.
    • Classic - Kings Island 2009 Mix Photo

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